We are women
My body is my body
My body isn’t a buffet for you to pick and choose
I am not your toy for you to play with
I am a woman who deserves your respect
She did not tell you that you could touch her
She did not say yes, so why did you say she did
She told you to stop, but you kept going
She was uncomforatble, and you were pleased
We walk doen the streets scared for our lives
We cover and hide the beauties because you cant control yourself and your desires
You say not all men, but yet you make jokes about women
You say not all men, so why dont you do something
Women and girls are not your possession
Women and girls shouldn’t have to wait until they are older to feel safe
Women and girls gave life to you, and you choose to ruin our lives
Women and girls are human just as much, if not more than you
Avery H, CSWAG member
Following the tragic death of Sarah Everad, here are some ways to be mindful with your actions and keep everyone feeling safe, like Sarah should have been while she walked home.
Links: What can men do? # BROKEN LINK
Here is a thread we have put together about some amazing women and their influence! Have a read:)
Links: Intersectionality matters #BROKEN LINK